Bondpartners : Second quarter earnings are down in a renewed volatile environment.

If the global economic recovery did keep up, albeit inequitably and in erratic fashion where some of its players are concerned, the tightening of the public debt market has subsequently led to an historic crisis within the euro zone. This “new” contamination risk has exacerbated the investors’ unease and triggered brutal fluctuations on foreign exchange rates, capital markets and stock exchanges.

The markets’ downturn coupled with the marked strengthening of our national currency, have had a negative impact on Bondpartners’ income and assets. Even if the trading volume did again progress further for the period reviewed, the reserves were tapped and gains fell back.

The parent company’s accounting profit posts a 15% setback to CHF 1.06m (-19% on a consolidated basis to CHF 1.52m) over last year. The individual balance sheet total slipped by 9% over June 2009, to CHF 129.8m. The consolidated shareholders’equity stays at CHF 80m. In spite of the aforementioned, the solvency and durability indicators remain consistent. Current assets represent 93% of the balance sheet, thus covering liabilities more than 2 ½ times regardless of their maturity date. As for self-financing ratio, it represents close to 63%. The adequacy of determining capital resources shows a coverage that is more than 4 times above the FINMA’s requirements, as far as risk weighed assets are concerned. With regard to Basel II framework, the Tier 1 ratio amounts to 26.5% and 40% for Tier 1+2. Finally, the reserves and provisions represent 65% of the consolidated balance sheet.

Nota Bene : for detailed version and figures, please refer to French text (cf “Communiqué de presse No 95” also published in this website).

About Bondpartners: BPL is a Swiss financial company founded in 1972 in Lausanne, whose business hinges on three main axes: the inter-professional dealing of securities, the market making and market keeping, and the execution of orders issued by independent managers. It is authorized and supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) as a dealer in securities.

Christian Plomb
Tel. +41 021 613 43 43