Bondpartners took up with profits in 2009. A 40 % dividend will be proposed to the shareholders.

The turnover was again in increase (30 %) and income strongly progressed in the same way as the shareholders’ equity which found their previous levels.

The parent company posts a net profit of CHF +2,75m (vs a loss of CHF -0,15m in 2008) and the Group registers a net gain of CHF +3,4m (vs CHF -0,16m).

The total of statutory balance sheet achieves CHF 158,5m (+46 %), it consists of 94 % of current assets, namely cash and due from banks (CHF 89,5m), due from customers (CHF 3,75m) and securities (trading portfolio and financial investments) for CHF 55,8m.
From the point of view of individual shareholder’ equity, the total reaches CHF 52,3m (+5,5%). As for value adjustments and provisions, they amount to CHF 26m (+28 %).
On a consolidated basis, shareholders’ equity amounts to CHF 83,5m (+13,5 %), the reserves for general banking risks increased 19% to CHF 37,9m, after attribution of CHF 6m. The profit reserves stand at CHF 36,8mio (+1 %).
The adequacy of the individual basic shareholders’ equity (Tier 1) and that of the complementary shareholders’ equity (Tier 1+2) amount respectively to 23,5 % and 36,5 % (min. 8 %).
If net interest income appreciably put off on-line with the rates served on cash accounts, the result from commission and security transactions considerably improved pointing out the increase of bond dealing turnover, the recovery of stock markets, as well as the steady or even positive evolution of currencies against the Swiss franc during a major part of the year.

Nota Bene : for detailed version and figures, please refer to French text (cf “Communiqué de presse No 95” also published in this website)

About Bondpartners: BPL is a Swiss financial company founded in 1972 in Lausanne, whose business hinges on three main axes: the inter-professional dealing of securities, the market making and market keeping, and the execution of orders issued by independent managers. It is authorized and supervised by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) as a dealer in securities.

Christian Plomb
Tel. +41 021 613 43 43