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Net income was at break-even and provisions for market risks have been used as a result of the synchronized decline in the equity and bond markets, which affected in 2022 the Company's own positions.



In a rather disturbing economic and geopolitical environment, the first half-year was singularly unfavorable for the Company’s own positions, with a significant decline in net income. Currency effects were negative in line with the strengthening of the Swiss franc, while trading operations backed up slightly, although margins improved somewhat. The provisions set aside to cover this type of market risks, were therefore put in use. However, shareholders’ equity still accounted for more than half of the total balance-sheet. For its part, the solvency ratio broadly and consistently exceeded the regulatory requirements.



Confirmation of the preliminary figures: the final net profit amounted to CHF 2.5 million (+66%) and the operating result doubled; the total balance sheet reached CHF 122.6 million (with current assets of CHF 113 million and shareholders’ equity of CHF 86.7 million). The simplified leverage ratio (CET1) toughened to 65%, a higher percentage when compared to previous reportings...



As for 2021, Bondpartners’ preliminary and unaudited net income rose 66% compared to previous year to reach CHF 2.5mio. For its part, the operating profit doubled to CHF 4.4mio and costs remained overall contained. While they were still tossed around by the pandemic and its economic repercussions, financial markets continued their recoveries, with some downward movements, influencing favourably income from securities held in positions, whereas results generated by trading operations, even if turnover remained sustained, did not reach the high levels recorded during the previous year. Lastly, our national currency continued to strengthen, the negative impact on assets expressed in foreign currencies was however of lesser importance than in 2020...



Unlike the first six months of the previous year, dealing in bonds decreased in reduced volumes, to the benefit of structured products intermediation, as exchange results suffered less from the appreciation of the Swiss franc and while equity positions held for own account have clearly shown progress in line with the performance of stock markets. Operating costs remained generally contained and operational result reached CHF 3.4m (vs -1m). Total balance sheet amounted nearly to CHF 182.5m (+31.5%) and shareholders’ equity, after distribution, increased to CHF 85.6m (+5.5%). The CET1 capital adequacy ratio stood at 43%.