Privacy Policy

BONDPARTNERS SA (BPL) respects your privacy. Accordingly, any processing of personal data is carried out in strict compliance with the applicable data protection laws, including the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (FADP) and, where applicable, the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

BPL does not distribute or make your personal data available to third parties. Its commercial activities are not based on the exploitation of personal data. The financial data you provide to us, considered non-sensitive, are for legal and contractual purposes only. They are processed and stored on internal servers, the company having developed its own applications and programs. BPL does not outsource for its commercial processes.

BPL implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data against loss and unauthorized access. The company regularly reviews its security policies and procedures to ensure that its systems are secured and protected.

BPL collects data (through cookies or web beacons) regarding visits to the Site (including the User’s IP address) which are used for statistical or security purposes, for monitoring the system, for management and marketing purposes, and in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations. These data are anonymous. BPL only collects data that identifies the User when such data are supplied voluntarily. In this case, BPL may use such information for the same purposes as data collected regarding visits to the Site. Appropriate security measures are taken to ensure that third parties cannot gain access to such information.

On the base of the art. 25 FADP, any person has the right to request with BPL to find out whether personal data relating to them are processed. Please contact us if necessary. A copy of your identity document must be enclosed in order for us to process your request.

Are my deposits protected under the deposit insurance

Yes, like any bank and any securities firm in Switzerland, Bondpartners SA is required to sign the Self-regulation “Agreement between esisuisse and its members».

This means clients’ deposits are protected up to a maximum of CHF 100’000.00 (one hundred thousand and 00/00) per client. Medium-term notes held in the name of the bearer at the issuing bank are also considered deposits. Depositor protection in Switzerland is provided by esisuisse, and the depositor protection system is explained in detail at